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Welcome to the School of Whispers

Body Work & Energy Healing with Stephanie

What does it mean to be in the school of whispers?
It starts with a choice.
It’s the choice to listen to the subtle, nuanced messages you receive from yourself and the world around you.
These whispers reveal your innermost truth.
When one lives their life by the calls of these whispers, they often experience a sense of strength, liberation, and connection. Their intuition expands and they realize life is happening FOR them, rather than to them.

I am here to support my clients as they learn to understand their own body’s whispers (ex. chronic or acute pain, tightness, weakness, depression, night terrors, digestive issues, etc) as well as the whispers the Universe is sending them.

From a broad view, I support my clients through multiple modalities including
stretch therapy,
energy healing,
esoteric acupuncture,
psychic/mediumship readings,
plant medicine ceremonies,  
breath work,
guided meditation, and more.

Services may be remote or local (Orlando area).

Contact Me

Whether you're ready to dive into working together, you're curious to learn more, or you feel like you need someone to relate to (awakening is tough, I know it!) please don't hesitate to reach out. 
My door is open to you.

Winter Park, Florida


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