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About Your Practitioner

Hi! I'm Stephanie.

Let's jump straight into my credentials.

In 2017 I recieved my B.S in Psychology from Rollins College, where I focused on developmental psych and neurophysiology.

After that, I started studying more about how the physical body contributes to one's mental state.

2018 was a year of certifications:

I became certified in teaching barre- a combination of pilates, ballet, and yoga- under the Lotte Burke Method, which really emphasizes sacral alignment and pelvic floor strength.

Additionally, I earned my NASM certified personal training certificate and specialized in muscular compensations and posture alignment.

And finally, I became certified as an assisted stretch practitioner by Stretch Zone.

In 2019 I earned my 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training certification while living in New Zealand. I specialized in the yoga styles of hatha, yin, vinyasa, and yoga nidra.

Currently, I'm one year away from becoming a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (acupuncture, herbs, qi gong energy healing, and more) with the Florida College of Integrative Medicine in Orlando, FL.


All of these modalities I study and practice have played an immense role in my healing. I also want to give a lot of credit to where I am in my healing journey to the sacred plant medicines of cacao, hapé, ayahuasca, kambo, and bufo. Sitting in ceremony with these herbs have enabled me to clear old wounds, limiting beliefs, and ancestral blockages while also further developing my gifts as a healer.

From the age of 10 until my mid twenties I was constantly sick, anxious, and blocked in my intuition- I didn't know who I was or who I wanted to be. In 2021, I finally made the choice to dedicate myself to the whispers of my deep inner knowing and fully trust the path that Universe/Source/God/Godess/whatever you want to call it has in store for me. With this deep trust, I've been able to build a life worth living. I feel stronger, healthier, and more connected than I could ever imagine.

And this is what I want to share with the world- the ability to listen to your inner knowing so clearly that anything but the truth sheds off you. Through my work, I connect with others energetically and mentor them in listening to the whispers of their mind, body, and soul.


Everything is connected and nothing is a coincidence; and my goal is to enable every soul I encounter to heal so they can feel closer to home/their dreams/their purpose

(Yes, in a lot of ways, they are all the same.). 

We are all spiritual beings having a human experience- we create our own reality.  

Want to learn more about my story? Follow this link:

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