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Stephanie has a strong & powerful intuition. Having a reading with her was really helpful & solidified some decision making for me. I believe we had the same Visualization when she saw my true form. That was incredible! Stephanie is loving, kind, caring, and intuitively helpful. I will definitely have her tap into my energy again. If you’re looking for some more clarity- book with Stephanie!


Brett M.

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Overall I’m extremely pleased with the reading  & consultation and generally very grateful to have had the opportunity to learn through Stephanie’s gifts.
Stef managed to cover questions I didn’t even realize I had until she divulged the answers to me.
Yea yea I may have been crying within the first few minutes but all in good learning and fun
I left the reading feeling like I had a roadmap to follow for the short and long term. Not to mention a deeper understanding of myself and my higher purpose.
More than well worth the investment 50x over.

Probably worth noting the friends I’ve sent to get readings have also been very pleased and shocked as well.  Even those who do not necessarily pay full attention to the whispers in their own lives yet.

Jack W.


Stephanie exudes a loving light to all that are blessed to be in her physical and spiritual presence. I have witnessed her communication with a higher source, delivering messages the are meaningful and thought provoking. She has been so in tuned during my readings that specific names and physical characteristics of people that are significant to my personal story came through to her. I had never mentioned these things to her. She has given me the clarity to make wanted adjustments, which allows me to grow in the desired direction that is best for me. Time and time again, Stephanie’s pure heart has communicated with my spirit guides and I am reminded of the connection and love that is always here for those of us who seek it.

Ashley V.


Full disclaimer - I'm the lucky man married to Stephanie. If you knew me, you'd know how far removed I was from this world my entire life. I'm the kid who at six years old asked his parents to write him a note excusing him from weekly bible classes because the stories sounded so silly to him (not that this service is religious at all).

A lover of finance and all things observable, this whole world of Stephanie's was actually a recurring sore point in our relationship. My inability to accept this incredible person she was growing in to. Because of the overwhelming power of love, I was able to open my eyes and soul to her world and accept it all, eventually even asking her to do a reading on me. This wasn't like what you see on TV, she didn't tell me which stocks to buy or which lotto numbers to pick. It was a profound experience of empowerment and internal examination. I can honestly say it had me in tears.

I'm from New Zealand (married Stephanie and moved to USA) and my entire family is back there. I push it to the back of my mind but it's hard being so far away, especially with COVID keeping the borders closed between us. After my reading I felt like I was walking with my family's, and my ancestors', hands on my shoulders. Holding me steady and keeping me strong and resolute. I've struggled with vices throughout my life, and my reading with Stephanie helped me remember my own strength and that of those who have walked before me. She was able to explain sides of me (shown to her by my guides) I had never shared with her before. It helped, and still helps me today, to remember my identity, that I'm better than the things that bring me down and in the trying times, I feel like I can close my eyes and draw on the power and emotions from that session. I feel stronger everyday. My soul is becoming full.

It really is hard to put in to words the power of my experience with her. But I can't recommend it enough. You don't have to suddenly believe in a world you've never walked in, just open your heart and see how it feels. I'm grateful beyond belief for the pathway it has set me on. The merging of two worlds for me and I have quite literally never felt more fulfilled.

Mana W.


Stephanie’s reading helped me address many fears I was afraid of facing. She knew how afraid and scared I was but still managed to make me comfortable with the steps we took. She helped me overcome a huge step by allowing her to connect with my dad. Words can’t even describe how happy this experience made me feel. It was honestly extremely touching and overall incredible. I cannot wait to have another reading with her. Stephanie is one of the most genuine, loving and amazing people you will come across in life. Don’t let another day go by and book with Stephanie!

Lesslee H.


I like to think of Stephanie as the guide to my spirit guides. Everything that we have and need and want and question is already planned out for us. What Stephanie does is help bring to light what we already know but are not aware enough to realize. She has a truly amazing ability to connect with the source and relay messages and answers we spend so long focusing on. She’s picks up on signs, not solutions. And that is what makes her genuine. I can’t say it enough, this girl has a truly beautiful and amazing ability to connect to those who guide us through life. I strongly recommend a reading from Stephanie. She has helped and guided me towards doing what I am called here to do. It has been something I have always wanted to do and all it took was her bringing it to light to help me realize that’s it.

Kasey R.


Stephanie’s power is greater than it seems. After a reading with her, a lot of things started to make sense. She radiates love and calmness, and she’s also very honest so be ready for what you truly need to hear. Stephanie has helped me in more ways that anyone ever could; to connect with myself, to find clarity, even to find meaning for these wild dreams of mine. She truly is out of this world and I’m so grateful our paths crossed.

Luccia B.


   Full disclosure , Stephanie and I are twins.  Going into the reading, I was apprehensive of that fact. I thought maybe our closeness and infinite knowledge of each other might be an obstacle in getting a profound, unbiased reading .    Well, I was wrong. She, with the help of my spirit guides, walked me through another world in which I learned more about myself than I’d ever known. The information was intense and overwhelming but extremely comforting .   What really brought things home was a message she was able to interpret from a beloved relative. I heard something I’ve been needing to hear my entire life and that single message healed more trauma than nearly a decade of therapy (yes that’s a lot of therapy ). I cried, she cried, we cried. A LOT . It brought us closer, and it brought me closer to truly finding myself. I couldn’t have imagined a more special experience. 

Gabi O. 


What an honor it was to have a reading by Stephanie. The words she shared applied to current situations I was dealing with and brought peace of mind. She offered positive insight to my purpose and how to best apply myself. Most importantly, she shared words from my father that solidified my faith in the future. Stephanie is very empathetic, sensitive and thorough when sharing and even included drawings to further illustrate. I felt very warm and at home whilst speaking with Stephanie.

Rachel F.


First of all i was very skeptical before I met Stephanie. I was having a difficult time and she gave me all the answers I needed- it helped me feel relieved and calm. I really appreciate knowing her so much and that she gave me an answer. I love what she does and I'm sure to go back to her.

Maria C.


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