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Esoteric Acupuncture: Golden Needle Protocol

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

Here’s your quick and dirty guide to the Golden Needle Protocol!

If you are here, then it means you’re feeling the call to learn how tapping into energy through ancient Chinese medicine can help you heal yourself and change your life. If you’d like to learn more, listen to my podcast, The Whispers of Esoteric Acupuncture p. 1.

The Golden Needle protocol is an esoteric acupuncture technique which has been designed to activate your 7 energy centers, or chakras.

While it’s entirely possible to perform this in person, it’s something that I’ve found to be highly effective if done distally (yes, it’s possible!). This style heightens the energetic capabilities of the practitioner and enables the client to really let go. If you’re wondering how this is possible, this is your reminder that energy does not follow the laws of the physical body- it transcends all time and space.

After the client’s chakra centers have been activated, the client will enter a trance state, similar to the state one enters while undergoing hypnosis. Their vibration will raise higher and higher until the veil between the spiritual dimensions is lifted. Depending on one’s intention with the session, my clients may experience healing, past life regressions, converse with passed on loved ones, and/or meet their Higher Self. The possibilities are truly endless.

The requirement for a Golden Needle Session is that a client’s energy field is free of energetic blockages/trapped emotions. This is why one of our first sessions will be dedicated to clearing your field. These blockages typically lodge themselves within one of our 7 main energy centers. If there’s a block in any of your centers, the energy induced by this acupuncture protocol will become stagnated in the affected center, and you will very likely not experience any trance state.

Additionally, while I’ve learned it’s not entirely required, it’s extremely helpful for my client to have prior experience with meditation and the act of surrender. Seeing, hearing, and feeling within the spiritual realms is not the same as seeing within the dimension we live in.In my experience, this realm of sensation doesn’t typically respond to our typical masculine “do” energy. Instead, it requires we step into our feminine “be” energy of surrender, receiving, and flowing. If you can begin a practice of clearing your mind, finding center, and building a relationship of trust with the Universe, then you’re giving yourself a strong platform of success within a Golden Needle protocol.

Here’s an idea of how your session may look like:

Just as if you were setting yourself up for meditation, you’ll need to make sure you’re in a safe, quiet, and comfortable space where you know you won’t be disturbed for at least an hour. While I personally prefer to lay down, you can either do that or sit in a comfortable seat- it’s entirely up to you.

A Golden Needle session requires a device with a camera because it’s important I can observe your non-verbal cues to ensure I can properly guide you along this journey into your psyche and the astral realms. So, we’ll start with video calling each other and checking in to make sure you’re in the right mindset for this protocol. We’ll discuss your intention and goals, and then I’ll either guide you into a meditative state or you’ll simply close your eyes to begin- again, this preference is up to you.

I’ll connect your energy field to a proxy acupuncture doll and scan it to ensure your field is free of blockages. When this is complete, I’ll begin the protocol by calling in your guides, ancestors and Higher Self. I’ll ask them to assist me in creating a protective field so that any energy or being which does not serve your higher good may not enter. After I repeat your intention to your guides, I’ll let you know when I begin inserting an acupuncture needle into your first chakra center.

You may feel a sensation of activation (for me, it feels like the tiniest electric jolt, followed by a sensation of heavy buzzing awareness). I’ll continue to let you know when I activate each chakra center until we reach your final 7th chakra- your crown.

From there, I’ll give you some time to settle in and enter a state of trance. I’ll ask you to let me know the moment you may feel, hear, or see anything which may feel “random” or have a quality which is not entirely “human” (this is where your practice with meditation and surrender comes in handy). When you reach this point, the journey begins.

Your job is to communicate your experience to the best of your ability to me. My job is to help guide you through these realms (it’s easy to lose focus and get distracted) and to help you make sense of this experience.

This type of session typically takes 45-60 minutes.

I’ll write down general details and any words of universal wisdom and truth which may come through for you to refer back to after this experience ends. That being said, I believe it’s extremely important you write or record (I love using my voice memo app on my smartphone) your experience after we finish our call in order to aid in your integration.

If you feel called to experience this journey with me, please click here to learn about how you can begin the process.

If you' like to learn another esoteric acupuncture protocol I offer, click here to learn about the Two Dragons protocol.

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