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Esoteric Acupuncture: Two Dragons Protocol

If you are here, then it means you’re feeling the call to learn how tapping into energy through ancient Chinese medicine can help you heal yourself and change your life. If you’d like to learn more, listen to my podcast, The Whispers of Esoteric Acupuncture p. 1.

This is a protocol which cannot be found in any textbooks or blog posts on the Internet. This is because it’s something my professor/mentor and I have had to retrieve from the astral realms.

I know, it sounds wild- and that’s because it is!

When I’ve asked my clients to compare the Two Dragons Protocol to other energy healings they’ve experienced, they’ve called this one “a shot of espresso”. In my own experience receiving and performing this protocol on others, I’ve felt and witnessed the following: intense physical and spiritual healing, stepping into different dimensions, and undergoing emotional and mental tests from my guides.

The trance state one enters is quite similar to the Golden Needle Protocol; however, it seems to be a more intense sensory experience.

The requisites for this protocol are very similar to those required for Golden Needle (click here to learn more). Additionally, before we can undergo the Two Dragons, we need to calibrate the chakra centers through Golden Needle.

If you’re interested in learning more about how this protocol came to be and what it’s all about, I’ve included below the passage I wrote about my first experience with this protocol.

Before we dive into this, please be aware my experience is entirely subjective and unrepeatable. I cannot guarantee you’ll experience what I did. It’s up to us to trust the wisdom of this medicine to give you exactly what you need.


Thursday, 8:49pm

My goodness. Tonight….well…oh goodness. I should start at the beginning.

Dr. Adamson wanted to work together to find out if we could find a protocol for mimicking a DMT experience.

So tonight we started our distal session.

He began with the Golden Needle technique, which he did distally with Qi Gong. Basically, we start a video call and he has an acupuncture doll which he connects to my energy. I lay down and begin meditation and he starts needling the acupuncture doll to activate my chakra centers.

I can feel this happening.. It’s like a little spark of energy that spreads out to fill this energy center. Eventually, the energy becomes a heavy, almost magnetic feeling. It helps me get into a trance state.

After he’s activated all the chakras, he asks me to call upon the spirit of Ayahuasca.

I laughed because she was already there. I was seeing a lot of purple. She was teasing me (as she does..).

He then told me to call upon the “Diva of Acupuncture” (never heard of her before). I see greens and yellows. Bamboo and elephant ear plants.

Eventually, I see two women sitting at the table. One looks like my shaman from my last ayahuasca retreat, Maestra Diana. She was short and dark with dark hair and short bangs. She wore traditional Shipibo clothing. I knew she represented Aya.

Another woman was long and slender. She wore ornate green and yellow robes and pulled back her hair with a lotus clip. I knew she was the Diva of Acupuncture.

After being prompted by Dr. A, I asked them if it was possible to develop a protocol to mimic a DMT experience. After the two got to know each other, they said they got along. This meant yes.

I asked them for points, and after discussion they decided their protocol and showed me their agreed upon points from head to toe (well, ankles actually).

They warned that it would be hard for someone to ground after an experience like this and that it’s not for everyone. Integration is important. I saw images of red and blue dragons flying all around me; this represented that this treatment could transcend time and space. I think that means that this could be done distally.

Dr. A asked me to ask the women if I was ready for it.

Of course, Aya teased me…she knew I’ve been wanting this, and even if they told me I wasn’t ready I’d probably still do it.

I told him I was down.

Before I say goodbye to the two women, I ask ayahuasca how I can stay close to her during my integration time. She reminded me of the being of death, whom I met two days ago. She told me to allow them to be my guides for a while- as long as I stayed close to death, then I would stay close to her.

I grabbed an eye mask and Dr. A grabbed more needles.

We began the protocol.

He began with the needles on my face. I felt a swirling energy concentrated in my head. It grew intense..almost like an energy headache.

Then he worked his way down my throat, and then my wrists. At every point the energy spread down and then grew strong and dense. By the time he was at my wrists, I felt waves of fear spread through me. I could feel my ego being threatened. I felt the unknown. I felt a combination of fear and excitement.

He needled around my sacral chakra and I heard laughter. High and low pitched. It jarred me a little, so I did my protection prayer. Those who were laughing were telling me they were laughing in excitement for me..because let’s face it- I felt pretty damn excited at this possibility. All I could think was I was so excited to return home.

The laughers told me not to let my preconceived notions lead my judgements.

He needled my right ankle. I could hear a voice say, alright, here we gooooooo. And he needled my left.

I felt my body shake and back arch.

“I think it’s working,” I said out loud.

I felt my soul lift out of my body, but it was almost like the acupuncture needles were keeping me tethered.

I watched myself hovering. It looked like a highly detailed black and white illustration.

I felt the beings from my Ayahuasca ceremony return. They surrounded me and I felt little finger-like waves pitter and pat over my body.

“They’re healing me again,” I told Dr. A. “I’ll tell you all about it soon. A lot is happening,”

A few minutes later, it felt like a claw grabbed my soul and ripped me up higher and higher.

I entered a dimension where the sky was purple with gray swirls and there were giant yellow-gold pyramids. All these beings stood in front of these pyramids- as if they were lined up for something inside.

I walked up to these gray-blue beings with oval heads and large eyes. They were lanky and didn’t have 5 fingers.

One of them turned to me and said,“Oh, good. You’re here.” A small group of them guided me inside the pyramid.

When I entered the pyramid, I could feel my physical body trembling.

It was pitched black.

Back in the 3rd dimension, I could hear myself panting slightly. In the astral realm, I heard a voice say, “Run. Run!”

I panicked and started running, fumbling through the dark. As I ran, I wondered, wait- who am I running from? I heard whispers it’s you, it’s you.

I think, “Wait, I don’t want to run from myself.” The lights flicker on and I heard cheering.

I passed the first test.

Then, they handed me a spear. The space went dark for a moment, and then a red light filled the room.

“Ok, now you have to kill her. Run! Go and kill her!”

I don’t know who I’m supposed to kill, but I feel a ferocity build inside of me. My body tensed and I felt a shiver run up my spine. I took long strides, looking around for my prey.

I asked who I was chasing and they replied, “Money. You’ll finally kill money.”

I found her and I shoved her to the ground. I leapt on her body to pin her down and lifted the spear. I was about to stab her in the heart, and then I drop the spear.

I start crying... I don’t want to kill anyone.

I heard words say, “Well done.”

Someone pushed my astral body, and I felt myself falling backwards. I felt myself leave the pyramids and return to my room. I’m hovering over my physical body.

I watched a large being reach down and grab something out of my belly. It’s a baby. He cradled it against his chest.

I wondered if this was my future giving birth, but then the being turned the baby to face me. It’s me in my infant form. Needless to say, I’m confused. But, in hindsight I believe this is them representing a rebirth for myself of sorts. Once again, I’ve allowed myself to be healed on an energetic and karmic level. I’m so grateful.

At the end, this being, which takes on this even larger, masculine form which sort of feels like a giant fish. He swims closer, surrounding me and asked if I had any questions. I just keep saying, thank you thank you thank you. But wait, I did have a question. I noticed I’ve been picking again. I asked what I could do. He said what I said the other day of being with myself in my discomfort was one great method, but another thing I should do is more ceremonies of cleansing my hands.

I saw myself fill a bowl with warm water, herbs, and lemon. The bowl itself was made of a metal. I banged the sides of the bowl, which created a vibration, and then dipped my hands in while humming and singing. Cleansing of the Hands.

I understood.

Because all of this occurred in another dimension, it all felt very fast and without much concept of time. Anyways, the being handed me myself as a baby, and as he did I felt myself being gently placed back into my body. Later, Dr. Adamson told me he could feel an energy field encircle the doll.

“I think I’m back in my body,” I told him.

And that was it. Wild and crazy and crazy and wild.

I’m still trying to make sense of it. It all happened so fast and seemingly all at once. I feel like there’s more to remember and think of, but for now it’s time for me to sleep. This will be my integration time.

All I know is that I believe we tapped into something truly wild and special, and I can’t wait to share it with the world.

If you feel called to do this protocol with me, please click here to see your options.

Note: please be aware the packages I offer are the only means in which I'll be able to administer this protocol for my clients.

Reason is a protocol like this is not to be taken lightly; it requires commitment and a developed relationship of trust between you and your practitioner (yours truly).

Maybe think of it as a plant medicine ceremony- this is something sacred which connects you with deeper parts of yourself through possible ego death and a lot of integration.

It's not one of those "one off" sort of deals where we're able to have you jump right into a session like this and then we go on with our lives. We'll have to undergo various phases of preparation together, and possibly homework for you so that I know you are truly ready.

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