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Got Questions? I’m Here to Help.

What is your purpose/intention?

School of Whispers refers to the subtle nuances of the physical and energetic bodies which reveal a deeper insight into the state of your entire being (mind, body, and soul).

So many of us wait until our body is screaming for help.

These screams can manifest as physical pain, emotional trauma, anxiety, depression, and more.

My purpose is to tune in to the whispers of your physical and spiritual body so that I can enable you to find deeper connection and healing.

With my clients, we look at your life on a holistic level to understand where we can release trapped energy and bring balance. Using my background in Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong, Psychology, and Yoga, I can help you open up your physical body (through stretch therapy and other modalities) and release old emotional or trauma patterns (through qi gong, an ancient form of energy healing) to reverse old patterns and make space for new, beneficial ones.

My goal is to enable my clients to live their best life at their highest vibration. In time, my clients can better tap into their own intuition to take control of their own healing. That way, they no longer have to wait for the "screams" or heavily rely on another because they can hear and respond to their own whispers.

My intention is to create a safe space for healing and a clear path to your own empowerment.

We are all capable of healing ourselves.

That being said, we are not meant to go about it alone.

This is what I'm here for- to help you open the door of deepening your own intuition on your path to healing and self-actualization

I'm not flexible. Can I still do mobility therapy or do yoga?

Absolutely! You are exactly who these services are for!
I'm trained to work with all body types and ages; stretching is not only for "flexible" people.
In my experience, some of the most gratifying cases are those who come in limping, moody, & in a world of pain and finish my service feeling a freedom they haven't felt in a long time.

Is Mobility Therapy like a massage?

No. Mobility therapy consists of a series of assisted stretches I move your body into. Your job is to you breathe and communicate how each one feels. I am not a licensed masseuse.

Who should not do mobility therapy?

Mobility therapy is not for anyone who has undergone major surgery or injury in the past 3 months or less. If you are one of these people, you'll need explicit approval from your surgeon/GP/physical therapist/etc.
Moreoever, this service is not for you if you're pregnant, hyperflexible, sustaining unstable/recent fracture or bone break, skin infection/heomatoma issues, and sustaining acute soft tissue injury.

Can you do readings and healings over the phone?

Yes! All of my services- except for stretch therapy- can be done remotely.

This is my preferred source of doing readings and healings for a few reasons. 

For healings, when I'm a human-sized human working on another human-sized human, it takes a little more energy to do my work. On the other hand, during remote healings I connect a proxy (either a chakra crystal or an acupuncture mannequin) to your energy. This means I'm now working on a crystal or doll-sized human as a much larger being- it amplifies my ability to perform the healing and is especially effective when removing dark entities.

I know- kind of hard to wrap your head around, but I've gained this insight through a lot of experience!

Practically, I prefer remote sessions due to time and efficiency. I'm currently studying to get my docterate in Chinese Medicine, which takes up a lot of time as it is, and my goal is to help as many souls as possible.

What can I expect my reading to be like?

First, we'll have our initial phone call where I tap into your energy. I like to keep this under 10 min so that I don't form my own knowledge or opinions. You can ask specific questions or ask for a general flow of information (general flow is only for 60+ minute readings). You can also ask for your passed loved one to come in.

After we hang up, I tune in and write or draw down everything that comes up. Some common things that happen is your ancestors love to show who they are and  how you can better connect with them. Sometimes your Higher Self comes in, revealing their form/essence. Really though, every reading is vastly different. After I'm finished, I'll give you a call and we'll unpack and interpret together. If we have extra time (or you'd like to pay for more time) you can ask more questions after this initial unpacking.

For both 30 min and 60+ min readings, you will get a typed up pdf of everything that I channeled for you.

Who should not get these readings? Should I be scared of this?

Every one and every one can get a reading!

It doesn't matter where you are in life, where you're going, or where you've been.

In my experience, it's completely normal to experience nerves or jitters before a session. This can be a huge unknown for many of us and fear is a very human response to an unknown.

That being said, there is nothing to feel scared of. Bottom line- I can’t speak for all psychics, but in my readings I have experienced way too much love and appreciation from my clients’ guides, ancestors, and higher selves to ever tell you that you should feel afraid.
Also, psychic readings are a mirror of your current state.
If you’re ready to dive in the rabbit hole and be handed some hard truths for your healing, then that is what you’ll get.
If you’re not there yet and instead you need to feel some extra love and be reminded why you are so worthy and precious, then that is what you’ll get.

How do you do channeled readings?

This is a big question. One day, I'll figure out how to teach this to anyone who wants to learn from me (hence the name "School of Whispers".

To keep it simple:

I let go of Stephanie, stepping out of my ego and tuning into pure consciousness.

Physiologically speaking, I’ve trained my brain waves to match a theta frequency, which enables me to tap into a library of information and wisdom that is beyond my 25 years. 

Psychologist and researcher Carl Jung called this our “collective consciousness” while ancient civilizations and esoteric communities call it the “Akashic records”. 

If you’d like to learn more about this, research by the Biopsychonaut Institute is a great place to start: 

Long story short, I call upon your guides and ancestors while feeling love and gratitude for the Being that is you. And then I let the information flow.

What is Qi Gong/Medical Qigong?

Qi gong is an ancient martial art with the purpose of cultivating and enhancing one's "qi", or life force energy. There are many different forms of Qi Gong- typically they consist of a coordinated set of slow, coordinated movements which create a meditative state of flow.

It can change your mental and physical state, bringing on healing, heightened stats of consciousness, awakened psychic abilities.

Its roots are based in ancient Chinese philosophy, medicine, and martial arts.

In medical qigong, a practitioner uses this martial art in order to heal blockage and imbalances within another's electromagnetic field.

Medical qigong is a complete system of health care that recognizes the root causes of symptoms or disease, and treats the client as a whole. Practiced as an excellent adjunct to Western medicine, Chinese medicine may successfully treat people with conditions which Western medicine finds resistant or ambiguous.

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