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Golden Ceremony

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

*if you're here because you clicked the blog link while seeking to book a Golden ceremony with me, scroll past the photo of the ceremonial alter to get to the meat and potatoes*

This is a ceremony which involves plant medicine (non-psychedelic), breath work, energy healing and esoteric acupuncture. Its purpose is to enable you, my client, to have a psychic experience without the use of mind-altering medicines or drugs, and without relying on someone else to tune in for them the entire time. Yes, I will be right there next to you the whole time ensuring the space remains safe and contained, tapping in to your field and your spirit guides, and prompting you to ask the right questions as you journey into the astral realms; however, you are the one who will be doing a lot of the work.

Please note: one will always receive what they NEED from a Golden Needle (esoteric acupuncture) experience. While in this state, the veil becomes very thin and you may see, feel or hear messages, experience past lives, experience an astral adventure, you may fall asleep, or you may feel vibrating waves through your body. No experience is better than the other- because it’s YOUR experience.

Again, I fully trust the intelligence of these medicines (amazonian plants and acupuncture) to give you exactly what you need- and if your being needs a nap, then that is what we will allow.

Additionally, everything but the energy work is optional for Golden Needle.

If you're unsure about using hapé and/or sananga, we may have a sacred cacao ceremony instead.

In Golden Ceremony, I ask that you arrive at least 2-3 hours fasted (you may have water or cacao- but no food or caffeinated beverages). When you first arrive, we’ll sit down and check in with how you’re feeling, discuss your intention, and I will ensure you’re fully informed and prepared for the ceremony. Then, we will begin with hapé.

Hapé is ceremonial tobacco snuff which is known as a masculine “grandfather medicine”- in other words, sitting with this medicine gives one a sense of relaxation, joy, and love. It enables you to fully sit within your body while also stimulating your mind. It is also a purgative, so expect to experience leaking boogers, tears, or spitting (each form of purging relates to certain emotions and energy systems in the body- which we will discuss further in ceremony.) The sensation lasts about 5-10 minutes, depending on how sensitive you are.

While we sit with hapé, I will likely tap into your energy field and use light language and medical qi gong to allow your energy to flow smoothly. After the initial sensation of the hapé wears off, I will play my buffalo drum and guide you through a few rounds of breath work.

After we finish, you will lay back on the couch and we will prepare for our next plant medicine, sananga. Sananga is a feminine medicine in the form of eyedrops made from an amazonian plant. She may be used to treat ocular disease, inflammation, addiction, and deep emotional pain. In the amazon, tribes have used her to clear our “panema”, or evil eye; basically, any bad wishes you or others may have placed on your being. She is also known as “liquid lightening” because well, she’s a pain teacher. For about 30-60 seconds one feels strong pain within their eyes and body when working with her (and after the initial shock, one feels tender for several more minutes). While you experience this pain, I’m there to coach you to use your breath and to focus on what you want to release with this medicine.

After one experiences the pain of sananga, their body is flooded with endorphins and their third eye opens up. I give you time to bathe in this sensation as I further clear out your energy field to ensure it is cleared out for Golden Needle.

When you’re ready, we’ll begin Golden Needle. As I mentioned before, I will be your guide as you allow the veil between you, your guides, ancestors, and Higher Self to thin. Thanks to hapé and sananga, your body and spirit will be relaxed, surrendered, and clear enough to have a more potent experience within this protocol. I will also take detailed notes during our session which you can refer back to in the future.

The entire experience takes about 2 hours. After we finish, I’ll give you time to come back to this realm (we'll likely use aromatherapy here). We can snack on fruit and discuss your experience!

Needless to say, this is not a ceremony which can be done distally (through the phone or video call). I live in the Orlando area and I also travel to West Palm Beach, so we will have to coordinate together. Before we schedule anything, we’ll talk on the phone to discuss contraindications, to make sure I’m the right practitioner for you, and to discuss your goals.

To learn more about Golden needle, you can listen to my podcast episode on it HERE, or read my blog post HERE.

If you’d like to learn more about hapé, click HERE.

And if you’d like to learn more about sananga, you can listen to my podcast on it HERE.

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