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Why Are You Smoking Weed?

This is a subject I don’t think I ever imagined myself writing about. I like to keep things...well I was going to say “professional”, but I know the real word is “at a distance.” I like to keep myself at a distance from being real and vulnerable on social media. I’m sure you can agree with me when I say sharing your true self- particularly the vulnerable parts of you that reflect more of your darkness- is scary to show. But, this mindset has kept me from being authentic. Plus, I’ve said this before- it’s no longer about me- it’s about how I can help you.

This post is about how smoking weed can affect your vibration.

From what I’ve learned, marijuana itself isn’t a low vibrational substance. Well, for the most part…. I don’t think much can be said about the toxins and other crap that dealers or companies like to put in their flower or dab oil to make it more “potent” or whatever. But, marijuana in its purest form is of Gaia- Mother Nature- and so inherently its vibration is neutral, which according to the chart below this word chunk and the next, is about 250 Hz.

What does this mean? I go into this in more detail in my post about how we can affect the vibrational quality of our food, but in a nutshell this means weed can easily entrain itself to the vibrations of others. So if you’re someone of a higher vibration, (to gain perspective on what that means, refer to chart below) and you’re bringing a pipe packed with weed or one of those dab pens to your lips and inhaling, you’re raising the vibration of that substance you’re pulling through you. On the other hand, if you’re currently in a state of a lower vibration, you’re pulling the vibration of that substance right down with you.

(Emotional Vibration Chart)

When I first started to really consciously develop my psychic abilities (can’t help but insert here: which we ALL have the ability to develop), I felt a strong call to quit smoking weed. First, the call came from within and it stemmed from a feeling of guilt and shame. I was super attached to getting high, and it all started in 2019 when I moved to New Zealand and fell into my first anxiety and depression loop.

Then, March 6, 2020 I moved back home to the US and I remember a little voice inside thinking “Yes! This is my chance to quit getting high- I’ll be too busy!” Oh, Stef. Pooooor, naive, little Stef. Didn’t see a pandemic looming around the corner, did you? Well. Cue pandemic. My husband was stuck in New Zealand and I was stuck living at home with my family.

I was grateful to be back home, but my default as a member of my family was to feel guilt and shame constantly. I got myself deeply entrenched into everyone’s issues and drama, and believes I was responsible for all of their happiness- and I was failing hard at it. I told myself I wasn’t doing enough and I wasn’t worthy of being there. I remember one song I played a lot that sang the lyrics “... I deserve to be here, and so do you,” and it always brought me to tears because I didn’t feel like I deserved to be anywhere.

So, how did I cope? I mean, I did a handful of “good” things- exercised a lot, started therapy, did art, cooked- but I did it all while getting suuuuuper high. Most mornings, my anxiety felt like this heavy beast camping out in my stomach that liked to crawl its way up my heart towards my throat. To keep it from crawling out, I hit my dab pen.

And so this became my habit. My excuse was “I’m so anxious, I just want to enjoy!”

I’m not ashamed now to say I didn’t trust myself to enjoy life while sober. I feel compassion for this version of me (and anyone else who got stoned to cope with a global pandemic). I’ve learned to give myself grace. I was also chronically inflamed in my body (horrifically painful gut issues, acid reflux, and other stuff), so my other excuse was this was my painkiller.

Here’s the thing- I’m grateful I had this tool to help me get by. My honest opinion (and you’re allowed to disagree with me) is dependency of weed is pretty benign compared to dependency of alcohol, or painkillers, or other substances. But, if I’m being real with myself, I know dependency on anything is never the answer.

So flash forward to March 2021. I realized I was hitting my 1.5 year mark of getting high every day. Wow. I’m fighting shame while reading those words. Fuck the shame. High or sober, I deserve to be here and so do you. Nonetheless, I was feeling my soul’s desire to raise its vibrational frequency.

I was already deep into the practice of connection with my Higher Self, but now I was starting to call upon my guides and ancestors, too. They were helping me ascend higher and higher up that colorful vibrational cone of emotional vibrations. I knew I was on the cusp of something big, and I asked for their help in this next step of healing.

What they consistently told me loud and clear was: “No more substances. You do not need to depend on anything but the power and strength that is your very soul.” So this time, rather than wanting to quit smoking every day because I felt guilty and ashamed, I quit because I loved and believed in myself deeply. And from that point, the rest is history.

Now don't get me wrong, I’ll tell you loud and proud I still like to smoke weed here and there. I don’t enjoy alcohol very much, so it’s one of my preferred methods of stepping into the unwind of the weekend or if I'm feeling intense pain or nausea. I feel no shame. Because my attachment to using it to create a “manageable” state of being is gone, I have space instead to emit my higher vibration of unconditional love for myself when I pull in this medicine (and I always bless it before I take a hit). Also, calling it medicine has become helpful, because a huge mantra/goal of mine is “I am healed,” and people who are healed simply don’t need constant medicine.

My intention in sharing my story is not for you to feel guilty or ashamed for your habits/relationship with substances. And if you want to judge me, well what you think of me is none of my business. My intention in this post is to help you understand how everything that is “good/neutral” always has the ability to become..well.. not so good. It entirely depends on our approach.

If we are picking up our “medicine” (be it a glass of wine, a hit of weed, etc.) with the deep feeling of “I need this”, followed by “I can’t believe I did that- I am such a piece of shit,” then we aren’t doing ourselves any favors. I admit I still fall into this loop sometimes- I’m only human. Sometimes I’ll lie to myself and say “Oh, I’m only hitting this because I feel a little stressed and I bless this herb to help raise my vibration blahblah..” but I know full well I’m reaching for the pipe because I believe I need it to feel better.

Hey. That’s OK. I still deserve to be here.

And when I’m in a state where I’m more connected and conscious, I’m able to think a little slower. I’ll reach and think, wait- where am I coming from? Why am I reaching? What am I feeling? Then I’ll put it back down and seek guidance and support from my Higher self, ancestors, and guides.

Everything we need we can find within ourselves. Repeat after me: “Everything I need, I can find within myself.” You are the literal Universe in three-dimensional form. You are a soul of Source frequency with infinite capabilities inhabiting the most incredible amalgamation of cells and neurons and DNA and microorganisms which create the most unique, most beautiful vessel. You don’t need anything more than a deeper connection, understanding, and remembering of who you REALLY are.

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