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Message from Source/God/Goddess/Spirit/etc.

Updated: Jul 2, 2021

Channeled message from *Source/God/Goddess/Spirit/etc. from 6/10/21:

(*The ultimate energy, life-giving source which is responsible for our manifestation/creation comes in many names; I like to use the name “Source”.)

“I love you and honor you. I’ve always loved you. From the very start. I’ve watched you grow from the very moment your cells aligned with your higher plan (before birth!)

You are worthy of what you desire- of your wildest dreams. Because this is what the Universe needs from you.

Fulfill your desires because they will fulfill the higher plan. They will bring higher love back to your people. They will make it attainable for all who cross your path to ascend closer to Source while in their waking bodies.

And that, my friend, is ultimate Bliss.

It’s what this existence on Earth is all about. The dichotomy of physical existence blending with higher, unconditional love.

This feeling will always make you and others feel closer to home- because it’s what we’re made of! Pure Source. Unconditional Love.

And while this state exists within our Earthly bodies it will be so much easier to remember. To remember why we are here. To remember why we keep returning again and again. So that we can remember what Earth was made for and continually strive for less density and more light.

Less hunger and more fullness.

Less disconnect and more- you guessed it- connection.

THIS. This is what will bring us all where we were always meant to be.”


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