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Intro to Channeling & Explaining Duality

Updated: Jul 15, 2021

So, sometimes when I'm writing (especially when I write out a specific question), it's like some older and wiser being takes over my pen, and shows me the answers I'm looking for. I believe it's my Higher Self, future me (because time is not a straight line; it's more of an ocean), Source itself, or a spirit/multi-dimensional guide.

When I researched if anyone else experienced this, I learned that this is called "channeling".

Essentially, we are channeling whenever we are calling in the energy of something or someone outside of ourselves, and then information or insights previously unknown to our conscious human flow in.

Before moving forward, I want to make the point to say we are all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs- if what I'm writing resonates, great! If it doesn't, that's great, too! It's our prerogative to take everything with a grain of salt; pick up what resonates and put down what doesn't. That being said, this is just my truth. I've spent too many years denying my truth and looking for it from others, and WOW it's exhausting. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.

Moving on!

Whoever or whatever is coming through, I realize acknowledging this special flow of "non-being" when writing plays a huge role in my ability to channel information for others.

Now let's talk about duality. This word can mean a lot of things, but how I’m going to explain it is it’s the essential nature of everything that exists on this planet and dimension. Duality is the umbrella, and underneath it we have darkness and light, high vibrations and low vibrations, yin and yang, love and fear, do and be, masculine and feminine, ego and consciousness, etc. Neither of these things (ex. darkness & light) can exist without the other; thus, they have the ability to oppose and support each other simultaneously. Does you brain hurt yet?

If you’re still following, I appreciate you bearing with me! It’s not the easiest concept to explain. To tie it all together in the prettiest human-shaped package, our existence as humanoids on planet Earth is the epitome of the existence of duality. We are all different physically and vibrationally for a reason. We express our darkness and light in a different way for a reason. It’s all for a reason- so let’s honor that!

Why is it this way? The answer I’ve received is it’s our collective lesson/collective “soul contract“ as humanity to learn how to live in harmony with our duality. Within ourselves and outside of ourselves.

What does that look like? To answer this, I’ll finish with a transcription from a lesson I channeled in June 2021:

6/15 Tuesday, 9:10am

"Ultimate harmony with duality.

How do I explain this to the masses?

It’s the effortless flow between inner darkness and inner light.

It’s cohabitation and understanding between divine consciousness and ego.

Unbreakable connection and understanding between all beings-

understanding we are all cut from the same stone.

We all return to the same home.

One is never better than the other. Because we’re all an essential piece to this duality

and to this lesson that yes, YES! we CAN love and be loved, live, dream, feel, create, destroy, and die while experiencing unconditional love for ourselves and each other.

Is this the end of suffering?

I don’t think so.

I think it’s the end of disconnect and hate, though.

We won’t have to suffer alone in shame anymore.

In our New Earth, we honor the suffering of our own and others’.

We’re taught to understand from an early age how to hold space for suffering of all kinds. And when we turn the corner of this dark chapter- because nothing is constant- we know there are others (family, friends, neighbors, and “strangers”) on the other side

waiting to celebrate you.

Every side of you!

There will be music and dancing and food and hugs

and times of sharing our own journeys through the darkness.

Every time one of us ascends, this celebration will occur within our communities.

No more hiding, no more drugs, no more abuse to self or others, no more addiction,

and no more lost souls.

Because before we experience our first dark night of the soul,

we’ll go through plenty of exploration, preparation, and observation.

It won’t come as a surprise, as unidentifiable,

or as something we perceive as wrong or even unique.

We will understand that while pain is necessary,

hurting yourself or others is NEVER the way out.

When it comes, sure we may feel scared.

We may stay in bed sobbing for days.

We may destroy a pillow or a canvas or a plate or even a wall!

We may be alone or in the presence of others- it’s our choice.

Yes, we will suffer;

but, we will suffer WHILE KNOWING this is a necessary part of life.

And we’ll do it while knowing our loved ones (every soul on this planet)

are there for us within it and on the other side.

We’ll recognize when our soul feels

the completion of what needed to be see was seen,

what needed to be felt was felt,

what needed destruction and/or purging was met,

and what needed to be honored with truth and courage was met with the best of our ability.

And from there, we can move forward.

No more stuck emotions.

No more self betrayal.

No more explosions or abuse.

We are here together and apart.

Regardless, we are here in honoring

of the duality with-in us and with-out of us.

To me, this is the image of New Earth.

This is my explanation of harmony and duality."

(tattoo I got shortly after writing this. Duality in the form of "Tui and La"/ "Push and Pull"/"Yin and Yang".)

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