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How Food Can Corrupt or Raise Your Vibration

Updated: Aug 2, 2021


About 9:20am

Ojochal, Costa Rica

TLDR: Long story short, I've been learning about our ability to affect our food (as well as everything around us- from a metaphysical standpoint. If you want to learn how to raise (or how you've been unknowingly lowering) the vibration of your food, then keep reading.

This post first begins with a vision (or what Iike to call a "waking dream") I had when meditating in the jungles of Costa Rica:

*note: when I write about visions or past life regressions, I’m often not in my current form of Stephanie. I take on different human (or non-human) forms and will sometimes refer to my “current form” of Stephanie as a third person. For me, this just clears up confusion- for you, it might add more. Just flow with it- this isn’t the most important detail to pay attention to. What’s important here is the vision/dream’s lessons.

I'm walking through the jungle. I feel dead leaves under my feet. I'm stepping high to crush fallen branches. I’m with someone. He’s Nicole (Stephanie’s older sister). In this life, he’s my friend and neighbor. He’s a hunter for our community. He’s prepared for a hunt and very angry. So much anger. He’s deeply disturbed. I am too.

I’m not prepared to hunt nor am I angry- I’m concerned. I’m feeling anxious of what's to come.

I’m familiar with this lifetime. I’ve explored it before. Long story short, I’m a man living in the Amazon. When my wife died, I had left my home and children for almost a year. I lived in the wilderness with the intent of dying- but instead I had my spiritual awakening. I returned to the village to raise my children, and to also learn shamanism and support the spiritual rituals my community practiced. I don’t know his name, for it’s in a language I don’t understand. The word that comes to mind when I think of my name is the word , “xochitl”. When I looked this up, I found that this is the Nahuatl (language of the Aztecs) word for flower. I explicitly remember in this life regression that looking at flowers was one of the things that incited my awakening. I’m not sure if this is my name, but I know this word is important to me.

I digress.

My present-day form, Stephanie, asks this version of me, what are we doing? He tells me “Nicole”- to get rid of confusion, I’ll call Nicole’s physical form “Apiztli”, which means “hunger” in Nahuatl- wants vengeance. On whom? I ask. On the jaguar. He wants to kill the jaguar because he believes it killed his wife.

Something strong in me doesn’t believe the jaguar did it, though. I warn Apiztli this is not right. The jaguar is the Keeper of the Soul of the Jungle. It’s not right.

The vision then brings me to the image of the brutal murder of Apiztli‘s wife. It was graphic and hard to look at- she was ravaged in the worst of ways. I see an image of what looks like a man/dark entity dressed in jaguar skin. He uses the paws of this animal cloak to slash the skin of her face, throat, and belly. Her insides were opened and slightly pulled out. He/it takes a few bites out of her and spits out her flesh.

After this vision, I place my hands on Apiztli‘s shoulders and explain to him it’s not the jaguar because these animals don’t kill in this way. A jaguar wouldn’t have wasted it’s kill. Plus, it would’ve dragged her body away to a tree. Apiztli understands what I’m saying and he breaks down, sobbing. It’s brutal and heartbreaking to watch. I hold him. He believes me. “None of it makes sense,” he whispers after he’s calmed down a bit.

He gets up and asks for my help. I know what to do. We deeper in the jungle to large jaguar shrine. I sit and tell Apiztli to watch my body. I astral project.

I demand the Spirit of the Jungle to come forth. I’m loud and firm. I’m in a form I’m very familiar with- I look sort of like a feline/jaguar woman dressed like a warrior.

The Spirit of the Jungle emerges and replies, with a tone of insult, “Who dares to call upon me with such indignance?”

I stand forward. I felt strong and sure- ready to fight. “I do. Come closer, Spirit.” I could sense this spirit felt corrupted. I told it the senseless, brutal murder of Apiztli‘s wife was wrong and against the way. I went on, saying it’s not up to us to form destiny and defy the Laws of Source.

The Spirit showed me Apiztli and his wife were taking more than they should, gathering more than they needed in an unceremonious, disconnected rush. He was skipping on the sacred ritual of honoring your kills, not taking the time to open a portal for the dead creature’s soul to pass on. It showed me how this happened with a boar Apiztli had killed. The animal’s soul struggled to return to Source and so it remained in the physical plane, confused and afraid- thus corrupting the jungle’s soul.

I told it I understood. But, this still did not justify what had been done. I picked up a large staff attached to a thin, carved, oval-shaped stone with a very small, sharp point at its end. I quickly tapped the spirit on specific point at its temples and on its chest. It fell to its knees. I pulled it in while I transformed, taking on a higher vibration of unconditional love. I hugged the Soul of the Jungle, validating its pain and holding space for its grief over the lost souls of its children. I emit healing Source energy. I feel the entity dissolve. I see the spirit purify and return to its form.

Stephanie wakes up.

Well! That was a ride, wasn't it? I’m going to guess a happy handful of you reading this might think I’m pretty nuts by now. May be thinking, “Well shit. Sounds like she must really believe this happened.” But, here’s the thing- I’m not concerned with deciphering what’s reality and what’s a dream with these sorts of things. What I’m more concerned with is the lesson behind the vision/waking dream.

I’ve had to sit with this one for a while to really understand what my guides were trying to teach me. What stood out to me the most was the gory image of Apiztli‘s wife’s murder. I wondered why they showed me this image in such detail- in waking dreams, details are where the meat of the lesson sits.

It turns my mind to the gruesome images I’ve watched from documentaries of the food industry. I think of the brutality we allow these souls to live and die within- and how we justify it and/or choose to look away. As a disclaimer: I eat meat. I’m not sitting on some vegetarian pedestal trying to shame you for your decisions. I’ve tried being vegetarian and vegan before, but I’m currently someone who eats meat when I feel like my body needs it.

Also, this vision makes me think of the state of the modern human as a result of excess/gluttony and disconnect from our food. So many humans are vastly overweight, and this state has made us ill in so many ways. It’s kept so many of us from living the way we want and has put us on our deathbeds far too soon (cue in heart disease, diabetes, COVID, etc). Our lifestyles and food are making us sick, and our refusal to acknowledge the source of our food and the sacrifice that goes behind it (there is sacrifice in both the agriculture and livestock/fishing industries) is making our planet sick. Many of us are only concerned with making sure we have “enough” and when we'll get our next meal. We’ve forgotten how to measure when “enough” is enough, and how to ask where we’ve gotten this meal.

So what’s the solution? On a large scale, I don’t know. I don’t know how to break down monopolies of mass food production. I don’t know how to break down the system. But, I do know how I can make the change on a small scale- starting with me. I’m a lot more conscious of my veg, fruit, and meat sources now. I won’t eat anything which deeply does not align with me (ex. Mass-produced artificial ingredient-rich candy and cheap, inorganic, inhumanely raised meats, etc.). I’ve cut back on my meat consumption again- and when I do eat it, I don’t look away. I acknowledge the unsolicited suffering that this animal endured just so that I can absorb nutrients from its body.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not justifying or spiritually bypassing my consumption nor the industry. I know what I’m doing- and I’ve decided to shake off the veil and see it for what it is. And I’ll tell you what, looking at the lifeless meat on my plate, thinking about the pure animated vessel it once belonged to, and honoring it’s life has absolutely made me more apt to cook vegan meals lately. It’s made it so much harder to take their lives for granted.

Now, let’s talk about the energetic/vibrational quality of our food.

Oh? Do you not believe in vibration? Well, you better start, because saying you don’t believe in energetic vibration is like saying you don’t believe that blood flows through our veins and arteries. It’s intrinsically tied to everything that we are.

On this train of thought, I’ve heard before that fruits and vegetables are inherently vibrationally neutral (because nature in general resides at a 0.0 hz frequency). What does this mean? It means their vibrations are easily entrenched to/affected by their handler. So that being said, if you make yourself a salad, and you REALLY don’t want a salad, and you’re looking at the plate like UGH this makes me feel dead on the inside- then your negative vibration is going to draw that otherwise neutral plate of veggies down. Same goes for our ability to raise the vibration of our produce.

On the other hand, meat, because of the suffering it transmutes from the soul that lived within this once living animal body, is inherently of a negative vibration. I believe if you take the time to honor the suffering of this animal and thank it for unwillingly giving its life up so that you can enjoy its delicious meat and absorb its vital nutrients, then your higher vibration will raise its lower vibration. Again, I’m not trying to spiritually bypass the horrific practices of the food industry- I’m helping my body absorb nutrients I’ve felt are sometimes necessary for my highest functioning and attempting to align it with my higher vibration as much as possible.

If you’re cooking your meat and feel guilty the whole time and hate yourself for eating it, then don’t waste your time consuming this! Why would you want to fuel your body with low vibrational food?

So, I bless every piece of food on my plate before I eat it. It begins when I bring my produce home. I wash them all, which helps me create a loving connection with this food. I thank Gaia and Source for creating such enriching, delicious produce that I’ll be able to enjoy and nourish my body with. I ask this food to help me reach the highest vibration possible, and I think of the land and souls sacrificed for my eating pleasure and I honor it. With meat, I close my eyes and visualize myself creating a portal of pure Source energy for the soul of this creature to pass through*.

(*note: you can do the same for road kill AND for human souls who haven’t passed on..but that’s a different story).

If I remember to, I’ll also make a promise I’ll eat slowly and savor every morsel. I also do this with my water, tea, and supplements. It sets the tone for my meals and for my day. It inspires me to think of more ways to reduce my waste and my contribution to the suffering on this Earth. It helps me stay grounded and connected to our planet’s reality as well as to my body.

Last note: I want to say this lesson has drawn a new respect within me for those who hunt (not trophy hunters- those who hunt to eat). I used to turn my nose up at hunters; and to be honest, to this day if someone said to me the only meat I’m ever allowed to eat again has to be killed by my hands, then I’d gladly say yeaaanahhh think I’ll stick with the vegan life, thanks. And that’s probably something I should look deeper into... But, I now understand if you only eat the meat from the wild animal you hunted and killed, then you’re saying a big NO THANK YOU to the corrupted, wasteful meat industry. And for that, I applaud and thank you for not creating more unnecessary waste and suffering. Additionally, you’re not pulling the veil down and looking away- no, you’re looking right into the eyes of the creature whose life you took. You’re creating that deeper connection. If I was a hunter, I would continue my practice of honoring, blessing, and visualizing a safe and clear passage back to Source for the animal to pass through.

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