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Ankhing for Longevity and Healing

Updated: Aug 4, 2022

Recently my client’s guides told her to practice ankhing.

I learned about this practice about a year ago, and I was only able to find valuable information through some deeeeep, obscure Internet searches. But even then, I found the written blogs about it to be a bit…esoteric and difficult to follow.

So, while I am by NO means an expert on the subject, this blog is 1) for my client to use as a reference, and 2) my attempt to bring this practice back down to earth for the internet.

Ankhing is the ancient Egyptian practice of enhancing one’s life force energy.

Research suggests they used this practice to live longer and healthier lives. Esoterically, this practice enabled them to heal their physical and energetic bodies as well as connect them to the realms of higher consciousness.

A lot of blogs write about how closely related this practice is to the orgasm; and while I agree with them, I think there’s a deficit in discussing how one can perform the ankh through more than just sexual practices.

I’ll go over the practice of ankhing WITH the orgasm as well as WITHOUT.

So what is the ankh?

I’m sure now that you’ve seen the image, you’re like “Ohhhhhh so THAT’s what that is!”

The symbol for the ankh is a cross with a loop arising from the center, wrapping around the vertical upper bar of the cross.

As a symbol, or hieroglyphic, it represents life itself.

While I am no professional on Egyptian symbols and hieroglyphics, I believe one could compare this definition to those of Qi, Prana, or “life force energy”.

This hieroglyphic has been found on the sarcophagi of pharaohs and in temples for the Egyptian gods of Isis, Osiris, and Ra.

Other sources say the ankh represents air, water, and the sun- the sources of life in Ancient Egyptian culture. Another theory is the ankh represents the cohesions of heaven and earth- the divine masculine with the divine feminine.

What I take from these theories is the ankh symbol represents perfect, divine balance- something I think we could all agree on wanting more of in our life.

So, how does this symbol relate to us?

And how does it translate into a practice?

Think of your human form. Better yet, think of the form of your energy field (some call this the aura).

Your energy field is like a loose-fitted glove which wraps around your body and extends several feet off your physical form.

(Balanced Energy Field)

I’ve been actively developing my ability to see other’s energetic field since January. One thing I’ve noticed is when one has a solid balance in their life, (ex. balance of health on physical, emotional, spiritual, planes) their auric field has a larger arch over their upper energy centers, also known as chakras (specifically the heart, third eye, and crown chakras).

On the other hand, when one is out of balance, the upper arch of one’s field is weaker and small. Instead, I’ve observed more emphasis and density of the energetic spheres circulating around the lower chakras (root, sacral, and solar plexus). However, this stronger density down below doesn’t represent higher development of these chakras; no, from my own experience these stronger densities represent energetic blockage.

(Energetic Field with Blockages/Unbalanced)

As energetic beings, the goal is for energy to flow up smoothly from our bottom chakra (the root chakra, located around the base of your spine) to our highest chakra- our crown (located at the top of your skull). When energy gets stuck in an energy center, that energy becomes stale and dense, and it can often cause sickness and emotional issues. Moreover, it deprives the chakras above it of your pure life force energy.

I could absolutely go on and on about this- but this post is about ankhing, so let’s wrap this concept into a pretty bow.

What I’ve come to realize in my studies and experiences is a clear, smooth-flowing energy system is represented by the Ankh.

Once again, comparing your energetic body to this symbol, the Ankh’s top loop represents energy flowing strongly out and up from the heart, encompassing the chakras of higher consciousness.

What the Egyptians figured out was this: when one learns how to harness the energy flowing from their heart chakra, moving it up and around their head, back into their spine, that individual will experience a myriad of both physical and spiritual benefits.

Putting it into Practice

  • Close your eyes and picture the field of your heart chakra.

Real talk, the Japanese QUANTIFIED the reaching capacity of the electromagnetic field of the heart, and this field has been measured to extend as far as 18 FEET!!

However, consider this: many of us tend to build a wall around our heart.

Yes, living life with an open heart can feel vulnerable and scary, but know that living life with a closed, blocked heart keeps you from reaching your full potential on many levels.

I’ve seen these energetic heart walls in others, and it creates a domino effect of an overall depleted energy field.

I recommend setting an intention right now to OPEN your heart field.

  • Back to visualization: visualize your heart field extending off your body. Note what colors come to mind here. Try to expand your imagination to feel into the texture of this field.

  • Breathe into it.

If this is new to you, you may just want to start here. Build a practice of connecting with the field of your heart.

  • After you get the hang of it, use your inner eye to visualize BENDING the field of your heart so that instead of extending UP, it’s wrapping above your head and down, entering back into your thoracic spice (the space between your shoulder blades).

Continue this.

  • Visualize extending your energy out, up, and back down and around, fully encircling your head and higher chakras. Up and around. Up and around.

Note: this is to PREPARE you for the practice of ankhing. I believe truly stepping into this practice requires a breath work practice. Thing is- when you’re in the middle of orgasming/ doing intensive breath work, it’s not exactly easy to jump right into harnessing your energy in this way without practice.

And I’m saying this from experience!

Ankhing and the Orgasm

Alright so the ankh and the orgasm seem to go hand in hand on the Internet.

Let me explain their relationship.

The orgasm is one of our most potent energetic expressions. Physiologically, it induces the production of sex hormones, human growth hormones, and other beautiful hormones which enhance the quality of your physiological processes and life in general. Ever heard of dopamine and oxytocin??

Energetically, orgasmic energy is pulled from your two lowest energetic centers- your root and your sacrum. Reaching an orgasm, whether it’s with a partner or by yourself, helps move stuck energy as well as enables you to find a pure, complete expression of your power as an energetic being.

On a quantum level, this energy is SO pure and perfect, the vibrations you emit while orgasming can match the vibrational frequencies of Love, Peace, and even Enlightenment.

Truly, when you can harness the energy of your orgasms, you’ll find your ability to manifest the life you desire to become stronger and progressively effortless.

This is why we should seek to heal any stuck vibrations/emotions of abuse, shame, and guilt from our lowest energy centers. They don’t belong here, and we were not designed to live life with these blockages.

The Mechanics of the Orgasm and Ankhing

When you’re building yourself up to an orgasm, you’re accessing energy from your lowest energy centers. In Chinese philosophy, this isn’t two separate energy centers, but one called your Dan Tien, which is located around L-2 and L-3 along your spine.

As your orgasm progresses, your energy moves from your Dan Tien into your higher centers.

Without the practice of ankhing, this orgasmic energy typically moves up to our belly, our hearts, our throat, our third eye, and finally up and out through our crown.

You know that feeling you get at the end of the orgasm where your face feels hot and you’re feeling energy imploding inside you?

That’s the climax of your orgasm.

And once you’ve finished your climax, that energy has left your body and entered the ether. Sometimes we feel energized by this, but sometimes we can feel drained and fatigued.

First off, I want to say that there’s ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with moving your energy up and out into the ether like this through an orgasm. When you move through this practice free of abuse, shame, and guilt, this enables you to move through (and perhaps sometimes resolve) energetic blockages. Not every orgasm needs to have an intention or spiritual practice behind it.

That being said, let me walk you through the orgasm WITH the practice of ankhing.

So we’re back to that initial energetic activation of your Dan Tien.

As sensation builds, you’re using your breath to move this energy up into your stomach/solar plexus.

It’s tempting to lose yourself after this point, but continue to stay in your body here.

Then, you’ll eventually feel this energy expand through your heart chakra.

Hold this energy here and use your visualization techniques to move this energy out and up and around your head. Feel it enter back into your spine.

Again, move this energy up and around.

Up and around.

Up and around.

As you reach your orgasm’s climax, you’re no longer sending your energy out into the ether here. Instead, you’re GIVING your energy back to yourself. You’re using your sacred, potent *orgasmic energy* to enhance and revitalize your field.


It’s common here to experience intense energetic healing, to see visuals, receive downloads, and experience expanded consciousness. SO.


Expanding the field of your heart can induce intense emotions- sometimes it can move you to tears.

Moreover, healing isn’t always rainbows, butterflies, and orgasmic pleasure. It can unlock repressed emotions and memories.

So if want to share this experience with a sexual partner (you don’t have to), and your intention is to use ankhing to heal yourself, then be aware of who you are sharing this experience with.

If you are with someone who isn’t able to hold space for you in this capacity, it could only create more trauma and enhance any lower vibrations that may already be stuck in your energy centers.

Ankhing through Breathwork:

As a disclaimer, I haven’t found any blogs about this concept. This is something I’ve downloaded while sitting with my guides. When it comes to spiritual downloads, my rule of thumb is to take what resonates and to leave what doesn’t. If you’re reading this next section and none of it strikes a chord of truth in your body, then that is completely OK and I take zero offense.

Your prerogative is to honor your own intuition.

Moving on!

I’ve come to realize that ankhing can be practiced WITHOUT an ORGASM.

Instead, I’ve used intensive breath work called Bhastrika, or breath of fire, to create the sensation of activating energy from my Dan Tien. I have to say, this practice certainly does feel pretty orgasmic.

This breath work derives from the ancient practice of Kundalini. Similar to ankhing, it's all about moving energetic blockages so that energy can flow freely to your highest centers of consciousness.

Learning how to do Bhastrika and how to activate your internal lock systems is a whole journey in itself. While I won’t dive into this here, I’ll provide a link to a blog post which I believe explains this in detail very well, and I will go over the basics.

Step 1: Learn how to connect with internal lock systems

Yogic tradition teaches about 3 internal lock systems, or bandhas. From a western perspective, these can be viewed as sphincters. The first is called your Mula bandha (root/genital locks), the second is called your Uddiyana Bandha (stomach lock), and the last is your Jalandarha Bandha (throat lock).

Ohhhh there are sooooooo many benefits of activating these locks (I discuss on my Instagram here), but let’s stick to the energetic benefits.

Squeezing these 3 bandhas, or locks, in your body pushes energy up from you Dan Tien to your third eye chakra. It expands your consciousness, deepens your intuition, and helps your body heal on all the levels.

For the purpose of this practice, I only focus on squeezing the first two locks, the root lock and the stomach lock. This is because we want to move our Qi to our heart chakra, not the crown, so activating the throat lock is not necessary here.

Step 2: Practice squeezing these locks- first individually, then together.

Step 3: Practice Ankhing Visualization

As I mentioned before, try to have this practice down before introducing ankhing into your breath work practice.

Step 4: Practice Bhastrika.

This breath work is intense! It’ll energize your body, activate your systems (circulatory, respiratory, nervous, etc), and activate the energy of your Dan Tien.

The magic behind this breath work is all about the breath HOLD.

As you gain more familiarity breathing in this manner, you’ll find the moment you stop to hold your breath after a minute or more of continuous breathing is where the MAGIC happens. As you inhale and HOLD, you start squeezing your internal lock systems, which sends your energy UP.

Step 5: Add it all together- Bhastrika & Ankhing

So you’re in that magical state of the breath hold, feeling your energy RISE as you SQUEEZE your bandhas. You can hold the squeeze or pulsate these locks to your own rhythm (squeeze and let go, squeeze and let go). Do whichever you find creates a deeper connection to your Qi.

Stay deeply connected to your energy here.

Once you feel it (or visualize it) moving from your belly and into your heart, this is where you introduce your ankhing practice.

Push your energy out and around. Out and around. Again and again until it’s time to exhale and release.

When I practice this, I’ll do 2-3 rounds of this.

As I’ve gotten the hang of this, I’ve also incorporated the practice of visualizing myself in a capacity where I’m living my BEST life. I’m healthy with rosy cheeks, a strong body, and clear eyes. I’m calling in abundance, manifesting new opportunities, and creating my reality on a quantum level.

That being said, this practice is already complicated in itself, so I encourage you to KEEP IT SIMPLE to start.

Don’t underestimate the mere sensation of this practice, and don’t underestimate what Spirit can bring to you when you’re accessing your energy on this level. There’s a time and place for manifestations as there is a time and place for simple surrender and receiving.

Final Note

Kundalini yoga is an intense practice one should not take lightly. Just like ankhing, it releases repressed traumas and memories- and once again, I tell you this from personal experience. Sometimes we are equipped and willing to do this alone, but sometimes we need extra support. Unfortunately there aren’t any ankhing practitioners I know of, but if you want to dive deeper into healing through Kundalini yoga, I recommend you find an ashram and practitioner who resonates.

Moreover, working with an energy healer is another great way to find support on this journey. While I’ve been able to heal my own energy in many ways, I’ve learned there is nothing wrong with reaching our for help in removing deep blockages I wasn’t equipped nor ready to heal alone.

For me it’s been about finding balance- working internally with my guides, ancestors, and Higher Self while also receiving help externally from my therapist and energy healers I trust.

If my words and energy resonate with you, you’re welcome to follow this link to learn more about my services.


That’s it for now!

I know- this is A LOT.

If you need more clarity, have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

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Until next time, my friend.

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