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Some more about me!

Updated: Jul 21, 2021

If you already read my bio and it still isn't enough for you to feel out who I am, I don't blame you! I'm sort of a notorious long-winded writer. In grade school, my assigned 1 page "chapter reports" (it wasn't even on a whole book- just one chapter) would end up being 8 pages long.

I just have a lot to say!

Anyways, this post is my truncated version of answering the question:

"How did I come across this path and what are my intentions behind my readings?"

When I was younger I often heard voices and saw things that were hard to explain or understand. I remember when I was very young (around 4 or 5) I was so frustrated trying to ask my mom, “Why don’t we leave and see every people living anymore?”.

My mom raised her brow and said, “Anymore? I don’t think I understand,” and I remember little Stef trying to articulate that I was accustomed to a life where I could leave my body and watch the lives of others. My mom told me this just isn’t what being human is like. I wasn’t satisfied with her answer, we were both confused, and I just dropped it. Until now, I hadn't realized this is exactly what being a human can be; my mom and so many of us have just forgotten we are all spiritual beings experiencing life within a human body.

(My face when my mom had no idea how to understand a toddler asking about astral travel.)

Flash forward about 20 years later, I had learned to turn off the voices and other experiences for more than a decade because it felt scary and too much to deal with. Briefly, I had stepped back into it in 2019 during a lonely and depressed time in my life. But, I had no boundaries and the experience spooked me and also my husband. Plus, I saw myself as a “woman of science” now with my BS in psychology and multiple certifications in personal training, barre, yoga, and mobility/stretch therapy. For a number of years, I believed if you couldn't quantify an experience and prove it in a research paper, then it wasn’t really worth my time. What I didn’t realized was I was treating science as my religion, and it was keeping me from opening my mind to the infinite possibilities.

During my whole life I’ve felt an intense desire to heal others. But whenever I tried to take the next step forward in business and my reach with others, I fell short in passion, drive, connection, courage, health- the list goes on. I made all the excuses. One day, feeling particularly stuck and frustrated, I yelled out “why can’t I just make a business so I can heal others my way?!? Is this not what I’m supposed to do???”. And a gentle, yet loud and clear voice spoke out to me, “You cannot heal others before you have healed yourself.”

This voice was correct. I was far from healing. Physically, I felt weak, tired, achey, and struggled with constant digestive issues. I was constantly repressing emotions by numbing myself with social media, borderline obsessive workouts, over-controlled eating, and smoking weed. I often felt like a victim to life while also feeling responsible for the happiness of everyone around me (I had zero boundaries!). This mindset had me feeling like I was constantly losing an uphill battle. When my husband asked me one day, “If I was gone and your family and friends weren’t on Earth either, would your love for yourself be enough?” and I knew the answer was no.

Phew! Honestly, I could write a damn novel about my path to healing, but I guess that’ll have to come later. To keep a long journey within a few sentences, I eventually saw how my inner beliefs, dialogues, and repressed traumas were stealing my physical and emotional health. I was the one draining my own qi/prana/essence/shakti/energy/soul. So I turned the whole narrative around.

And guess what happened next?

The voices from my childhood returned- except this time I have clear boundaries and intention. I now have control over what comes in, when it happens, and what its purpose is.

I set the ultimate intention to seek information for the betterment of all humanity.

And now, here I am.

I want you to understand I’m not special or different from you- we ALL have the ability to access this information.

If this is something you want to have more of in your life, I want you to know every being’s path to this ability is different; and while we can ask for help, the ultimate answer will always come from within.

Some things I think I can guarantee you are 1) it often begins in and through the body, 2) it requires you to develop within yourself unshakable faith, trust, and radical self-acceptance, and 3) it also requires radical responsibility. We must understand we are in control and we are never the victim; and with that comes ultimate empowerment.

One day, I’ll take the time and resources to really teach anyone who wants to learn how to listen to the Universe’s whispers from me. But, for now, you may have other desires and responsibilities requiring your time and attention.

This is where I can help.

My readings are aimed to heal your soul and raise your vibration so that you can be the best version of you possible. They enable me to tap into insights and wisdom that are beyond my 25 years- because it doesn’t come from me, but from the ultimate knowing and wisdom that is Source/God/Goddess/Spirit/etc. (I like to call it Source).

With every person I encounter (not just those whom I do readings for) my aim is to practice unconditional love for everything this individual is and isn’t. Sure, this seems easier said than done, but I’ll tell you it’s a lot easier to spend energy on love than on hate.

My other vow I’ve made is to always speak the truth. Through careful observation, I’ve learned my health is compromised whenever I lie- so it’s in my best interest to tell the truth, even if it’s difficult to say or hear.

These two values I uphold- unconditional love and truth- have been the last steps which have enabled me to access this information for you. This will be a learning process for both of us. But ultimately, you know what is best for you- and your guides will remind me of that fact again and again. I am here to listen, help interpret, support, coach, and honor you through understanding these revelations.

Thank you for taking your time to read this, and if you feel called to heal with me, I'm looking forward to working with you.

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