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9 Steps to Astral Travel

Updated: Dec 15, 2022

We all have our reasons for why we want to try it… maybe you’re curious for further proof of the unknown, or you want to figure out who really lives above your apartment (guilty! Funny story for another time), or maybe you’re interested in leaving your city, country..maybe this dimension.

The places you can go with astral travel are endless-

And that’s kind of the point!

I have many stories of my own experiences with this practice, and if you’d like to hear more of them for validation or for a good read, just let me know in the comments below.

But for now, I’m going to keep this strictly “How To”.

Here are 9 steps to help you prepare for your astral journey:

  1. Brain Waves: Ananda App

  2. Be in Your Body

  3. Breath Work

  4. Set Your Space

  5. Create Hyper Awareness

  6. The Release

  7. Non-judgement

  8. Protection

  9. Working with Guides: Human and Non

1) Brain Waves: Ananda App

I use this app which helps me a lot with astral projection. It emits binaural brain waves which make it easier for you to get in a state of intense focus, followed by deep surrender.

I use either the options “deep meditation”, “lucid dreaming”, or “intuition”.

Here are photos of what the app looks like, the options it offers, and am example description of the frequency it emits for "deep meditation".

2) Be In Your Body

A continuous message my guides give me is “You can’t leave your body if you don’t want to be in it.”

You chose this vessel- so honor that fact.

If you continuously deny your body love and acceptance and inundate your system with harmful substances, then you’re likely experiencing energetic blockages. These blockages likely need to be removed before you’re consciously stepping into the astral realms.

Furthermore, if you’re feeling anxious, sick, or are in pain it’s going to make it harder to leave your body. Addressing why you’re struggling to comfortably sit fully in your body is a journey full of adventure and self-discovery in itself.

So, I highly recommend you take time to address this first and foremost, whether it’s through energy healing, movement, breath work, therapy, eastern medicine, or western medicine. Find what works for you.

3) Breath Work

I posted on my Instagram the particular breath work I do. I’ve named them Psychedellic breath work part 1 and part 2.

There are endless breath work styles you can use to prepare yourself. Basically, what I do is deep breathing at a continuous flow pace. After a couple rounds of this, I do a more intensive breath called Bhastrika, or breath of fire. This practice cleanses your vessel, oxygenates your brain and organs, and fortifies your body’s physiological processes (nervous system, immune system, etc). Plus, it raises your vibration.

If you break down the word “spirit”, it comes from the Latin word for “breath”.

So if you want to gain control of your astral spirit, harnessing your breath gets you there.

4) Set Your Space

This might seem obvious, but here’s your reminder to make sure you’re practicing this in a safe, quiet space where you know you won’t be disturbed for at least an hour. Sometimes I’ll use an eye mask if my eyes are feeling hypersensitive to light.

Also, all of this is easiest to do first thing in the morning because your brain waves are more malleable and you’re already in that dream, theta wave state.

5) Create Hyper Awareness

In order to get to this next step, your mind must be clear. This is why the brainwaves, breath work, and a safe space matter.

After cultivating a clear mind, what I do next is become aware of my physical body (so that I can eventually detach from it).

When I was a beginner, I went through the following "roll call" with my chakra systems:

A) Starting with my crown, I create hyper awareness of every sensation that’s going on there.

I visualize pulling any thought which comes in while I here into the center of my crown chakra. I sit with this for a little bit longer.

B) Then as I inhale deeply, I visualize packaging all my thoughts and sensations into a ball. On the exhale I draw everything down to my next chakra, my third eye.

C) I repeat this practice down into each chakra system (after third eye is throat chakra, then heart chakra, stomach chakra, sacral chakra, and finally root chakra.)

D) At my root chakra, I imagine a chord connecting me to the earth.

I visualize anything which doesn’t serve me to flow out through this cord.

E) When this feels complete, I finally imagine a warm glowing light ( it can be gold, it can be rainbow- you pick) filling every cell within my lowest chakra system. I slowly move my awareness of this glowing energy up my chakras, eventually bringing all awareness to my crown once again.

F) After that I bring my awareness to the room around me.

I think about every detail.

G) Next, I visualize myself in this room- and I notice from which angle I’m watching myself from (from above or below or the side, etc).

H) And then! I start to focus my attention to the space between my body and the room. This is where you start to tune into the astral realm..I call this the “space in between”.

And this whole time you need to make sure you’re completely still and relaxed.

6) The Release

Now it’s time for surrender.

By now I have enough presence and calm to feel extremely aware of the subtle differences between my physical body and soul. With my soul, I start to allow it to feel light and buoyant- I encourage it to move up and up.

Eventually it feels like I’m lifting my soul outside of my body.

It kind of feels like my body is a cup of water and my soul is the water that’s pouring out.

It’s normal to feel slightly dizzy or body buzzing during this point.

Visualize yourself above your body looking down. Tune into feeling the subtle change in air around your astral body compared to your physical body.

If you’re a beginner, spend time observing and feeling into this space. As you get more comfortable here, I recommend you start to explore your home in your astral body.

As you get the hang of it, where you chose to go is entirely up to you.

7) Non-judgement

I believe it’s important you remain calm and nonjudgmental of what is or isn’t happening when you get to the phase of release.

Judgment and expectation are human/ego emotions, and so their vibrations act like magnets which pull you back into your physical body.

If that does happen, it’s totally fine.

Shake it off!

Then return to a place of non-being, allowing yourself to continue to push/pull your soul up and out.

8) Protection

While not everyone believes or recommends this, after my personal experiences I like to recommend creating a field of protection before you leave your physical body. Can’t hurt.

I usually visualize a field while thinking this little prayer:

This is my protection, this is my seal.

Nothing shall breach this which is not sanctioned by me, through me,

and to me at my source.

I am unseen, unheard, undetected, and unobserved by anything which should not serve my Higher Self across all timelines and dimensions.

This is my command and so it shall be.

9) Working with Guides: Human & Non

Parting thoughts here.

First off, some of the most powerful astral journeys I’ve had were with a human guide.

I recommend choosing someone you trust to be there undistracted and without judgment. It also helps if it’s someone who has experience being within the field of consciousness.

The goal is to have someone there who will help you make sense of the experience.

While you're in the astral plane, your guide should ask you for relevant details and have you ask the right questions when you feel stuck (it’s common to get a little lost in the pure sensory experience).

Finally, as you spend more time moving through different dimensions, you’ll likely come across other beings which will vary in vibrational fields. In other words, some are there for the higher good.. aaaand some aren’t.

Use your own discernment.

When I come across beings, I will take time to observe their field and how I feel being within it before I interact.

Sometimes I’ll ask my Higher Self to help me discern the true motives of this being.

And sometimes I’ll access the vibration of higher love and compassion as a detector. With this vibration, beings which don’t align to it will often flinch or shy away because it’s too strong for their lower vibrational fields.

However, some malevolent beings may want to absorb any and all energies, and so it feels like you’re getting sucked in and drained. That’s only happened to me once, and when it did I simply called upon my Higher Self to take care of the situation. And she did.

When working with anything on a vibrational/quantum level, the most important tool you have is to ASK FOR HELP.

You have your guides, your Higher Self, and your ancestors to help you- access them!

Happy travels!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out- this is what I’m here for!

Are you an avid traveler? I’d love to hear about it!

Comment your own tips and experiences in the comments below.

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